Today’s question is…
What was the most difficult costume to make?
What was the most difficult costume to wear?
To make, I’d say Yuuko – and you’d probably say, huh?! Because who would think my answer would be Yuuko. It was just one of those projects that was problem after problem to the point that by the end, I was like, “screw it, I’m done with this, I might not even wear it.” You’ll notice I have absolutely no progress photos of it, because I ready to burn the thing. Thankfully I didn’t, and while I never completely finished it, I was fairly happy with it once I was at the con and had it on.

(My one progress photo of Yuuko… before I actually started on anything.)
After that I’d say Boushh; it was a lot of work, specifically a lot of leather work that left me with sore fingers and a lot of broken sewing machine needles.

(These pants were the bane of my sewing machine.)
Difficult costumes to wear, I have a whole list of those.
Hild would be the #1 most difficult; the wig is very heavy (it’s made of 3 wigs) so it pulls. The shoes are the second most uncomfortable shoes in the history of shoes, ever, I’m taped into the whole front of the thing, and I’ve got a gazillion of those streamers I’m constantly stepping on or having to move to keep other people from stepping on.

Ame-Comi Wonder Woman would be a close second, since the wig for that one is even heavier, I have to tape the tiara on, the shoes are uncomfortable and I have props in both hands. The first year I wore it, the toupee tape I used to tape the tiara on actually bruised my forehead when we took it off. Ow! I guess I could have put this one in cosplay injuries, huh?
Runners up would be Alyss, Lady Gaga, Kingdom Come Wonder Woman and Valkyrie.